Early introduction of peanut butter may reduce peanut allergy risk in children
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According to a recent study in the journal NEJM Evidence, early exposure to peanut butter and other peanut-based products during infancy and childhood could potentially lower the risk of developing peanut allergies later on in life. Researchers found a 71% reduction in the likelihood of adolescents developing a peanut allergy when they started consuming peanut products during infancy. This finding offers promising insights for parents and health professionals working to combat the rising rates of food allergies in children. In the United States, food allergies are an increasing public health concern, with peanut allergies causing some of the most severe allergic reactions.
Du Toit G, Huffaker MF, Radulovic S, Feeney M, Fisher HR, Byron M, Dunaway L, Calatroni A, Johnson M, Foong RX, Marques-Mejias A, Bartha I, Basting M, Brough HA, Baloh C, Laidlaw TM, Bahnson HT, Roberts G, Plaut M, Wheatley LM, Lack G; Immune Tolerance Network LEAP-Trio Trial Team. Follow-up to Adolescence after Early Peanut Introduction for Allergy Prevention. NEJM Evid. 2024 Jun;3(6):EVIDoa2300311. doi: 10.1056/EVIDoa2300311. Epub 2024 May 28. PMID: 38804779.
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