Social media use linked to eating disorders

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Recent research links extensive screen time and social media use with increased eating disorders risks. Teens are often exposed to content promoting extreme dieting and intense exercise routines, normalizing an obsession with weight loss, which can be particularly detrimental. Moreover, habits such as binge-watching or excessive scrolling might lead to unhealthy snacking and irregular meal times, promoting a cycle of emotional eating, as individuals turn to food for comfort from boredom or stress. It is important to acknowledge these patterns to support healthier eating habits and lessen the negative dietary impacts of social media consumption.


Chu, J., Ganson, K. T., Testa, A., Al-Shoaibi, A. A. A., Jackson, D. B., Rodgers, R. F., He, J., Baker, F. C., & Nagata, J. M. (2024). Screen time, problematic screen use, and eating disorder symptoms among early adolescents: findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Eating and weight disorders : EWD, 29(1), 57.

Additional Reading,eating%20disorder%20a%20year%20later.


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