Reasons why you are not hungry in the morning
Many people find themselves not feeling hungry in the morning, and there are several reasons why this might be the case. A common factor is an increased level of melatonin, which may suppress hunger by activating appetite inhibitors in the body. Eating late at night can also impact morning appetite, as the body might still be digesting the previous evening's meal. Additionally, intermittent fasting can lower the levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for hunger, in turn reducing appetite. High levels of stress or anxiety can affect digestive processes and lead to a decreased desire to eat. Understanding these factors can help individuals adjust their eating patterns and manage morning hunger more effectively.
Giezenaar, C., Trahair, L. G., Luscombe-Marsh, N. D., Hausken, T., Standfield, S., Jones, K. L., Lange, K., Horowitz, M., Chapman, I., & Soenen, S. (2017). Effects of randomized whey-protein loads on energy intake, appetite, gastric emptying, and plasma gut-hormone concentrations in older men and women. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 106(3), 865–877.
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