Certain foods may interfere with cancer defense mechanisms
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A recent study published in the journal Gut suggests that certain foods might hinder the body's natural ability to combat cancer cells. It suggests that a high intake of omega-6 fatty acids, often present in ultra processed and junk foods, might interfere with the anti-inflammatory and tumor-suppressing actions of omega-3 fatty acids. Understanding which foods may disrupt these mechanisms can be crucial for individuals aiming to support their body's health during cancer prevention or treatment. Adjusting one's diet to include beneficial nutrients and reduce potential disruptors may contribute to better health outcomes.
Soundararajan R, Maurin MM, Rodriguez-Silva J, et alIntegration of lipidomics with targeted, single cell, and spatial transcriptomics defines an unresolved pro-inflammatory state in colon cancerGut Published Online First: 10 December 2024. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2024-332535
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