Sickle cell patient's success with gene editing raises hopes and questions
Image credit: sangharsh_l via Unsplash
In 2019, the first sickle cell patient was treated for sickle cell disease using a new experimental gene-editing technique, which has not only raised hopes but also concerns among health professionals and patients. This scientific breakthrough using innovative gene editing technology, provides a potential cure for sickle cell disease, affecting millions of people worldwide. Further research is needed to understand its long term effects, ethical use, as well as cost and accessibility. With the recent success of this sickle cell disease patient’s treatment, scientists believe that curing or treating other genetic disorders may be possible in the near future.
Stein, Rob. “Sickle Cell Patient’s Success with Gene Editing Raises Hopes and Questions.” NPR, 16 Mar. 2023,’s%20success%20with%20gene%20editing%20raises%20hopes%20and%20questions,-Listen%C2%B7%206%3A54&text=Gili%20for%20NPR-,In%20London%20to%20address%20a%20gene%2Dediting%20summit%20last%20week,an%20experimental%20gene%2Dediting%20technique.