Should you be worried about lead in Stanley and other drink cups?
Image credit: mitchorr via Unsplash
The lead in Stanley and other drink cups do have lead but it isn’t exposed unless the cup is damaged. According to a Stanely cup manufacturer, lead is incorporated into the tumbler’s vacuum insulation and is covered by a stainless steel layer that protects users from lead contact. While lead is a toxic metal that can have serious health effects, the lead in these cups is found in components not directly in contact with the drink, such as the cup’s base. While health experts recommend minimizing exposure to lead wherever possible, the risk from using these cups is low and should not be a cause for concern.
Holcombe, Madeline, and Sandee LaMotte. “Stanley and Other Drink Cups Contain Lead. Should You Be Worried?” CNN, Cable News Network, 26 Jan. 2024,