Is it safe to use Q-tips for cleaning your ears?
Image credit: sharonmccutcheon via Unsplash
While many people use Q-tips to clean their ears, it can actually push wax deeper into the ear canal, increasing the risk of impaction, injury, or even infection. The ear is self-cleaning, and wax helps protect the ear from dirt and bacteria. To safely clean your ears, it's best to avoid inserting objects and instead use methods like a damp cloth for the outer ear or ear drops to soften wax. For persistent issues, seeing a healthcare professional is the safest option.
Nagala S, Singh P, Tostevin P. Extent of cotton-bud use in ears. Br J Gen Pract. 2011 Nov;61(592):662-3. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X606546. PMID: 22054319; PMCID: PMC3207072.
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